Jimmy's Python Pages

This page is a collection of various Python goodies I've created. Everything here is covered by the MIT License. Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback by sending email to jimmy@retzlaff.com.

EasyDialogs for Windows 46691.0 - a lightweight port of the Macintosh EasyDialogs module
pyUnRAR 1.0 - a module that wraps the free UnRAR.dll.
X10 FireCracker Module for Python 1.0 - a module for turning electrical devices on/off
wxPython AGG Device Context Proof of Concept - using Anti-Grain Geometry in wxPython

EasyDialogs for Windows 46691.0

Exe Download - run to install
Zip Download - extract, then run "setup.py install" to install

Requires: Microsoft Windows, Python 2.3 or higher, and ctypes 0.6.3 or higher (ctypes is included with Python 2.5 and higher, so it is not a separate requirement there).

Example usage with screenshots and a change history are below.

EasyDialogs for Windows is a ctypes based emulation of the EasyDialogs module included in the Python distribution for Mac. It attempts to be as compatible as possible. Code using the Mac EasyDialogs module can often be run unchanged on Windows using this module. The module has been tested on Python 2.3 running on Windows NT, 98, XP, and 2003.

EasyDialogs is written in pure Python using Thomas Heller's ctypes module to call Windows APIs directly. No Python GUI toolkit is used. This means that relatively small distributions can be made with py2exe (or its equivalents). A simple test of all the dialogs in EasyDialogs bundled up using py2exe results in a distribution that is about 1.25MB. Using py2exe in concert with NSIS as shown here allows the same test to run as a single file executable that is just under 500KB.

The 46691 in the version number refers to the svn revision of the Mac EasyDialogs.py file in Python SVN upon which this is based. Version 1.14 is the version that is distributed with Python 2.3 - version 1.16 for Mac has very minor changes from version 1.14 (these numbers were based on CVS rather than SVN). Revision 46691 for Mac is distributed with Python 2.5. The number after the 46691 indicates the revision of the Windows version.

Documentation for the Mac version can be found here. That documentation is also included in the standard distributions of Python for Windows and it can be used for this Windows version of EasyDialogs as well. Known differences include:


typeList is used for the same purpose, but file type handling is different between Windows and Mac, so the form of this argument is different. In an attempt to remain as similar as possible, a list of extensions can be supplied (e.g., ['*', 'txt', 'bat']). A more complete form is also allowed: [('All Files (*.*)', '*.*'), ('C Files (*.c, *.h)', '*.c;*.h')]. The first item in each tuple is the text description presented to the user. The second item in each tuple is a semi-colon separated list of standard Windows wildcard patterns that will match files described in the text description.

The following parameters are ignored on Windows:
clientName, dialogOptionFlags, eventProc, filterProc, multiple, popupExtension, preferenceKey, previewProc, version, wanted


fileType is used for the same purpose, but file type handling is different between Windows and Mac, so the form of this argument is different. In an attempt to remain as similar as possible, an extension can be supplied (e.g., 'txt'). A more complete form is also allowed: ('Text Files (*.txt)', '*.txt'). The first item in the tuple is the text description presented to the user. The second item in the tuple is a standard Windows wildcard pattern that will match files described in the text description.

The following parameters are ignored on Windows:
clientName, dialogOptionFlags, eventProc, fileCreator, filterProc, multiple, popupExtension, preferenceKey, previewProc, version, wanted


The following parameters are ignored on Windows:
clientName, dialogOptionFlags, eventProc, filterProc, multiple, popupExtension, preferenceKey, version, wanted

Example usage:

import EasyDialogs

# Display a message box
EasyDialogs.Message('Hello world!')

# Present a standard file-open dialog
filename = EasyDialogs.AskFileForOpen()

# Display a progress bar
bar = EasyDialogs.ProgressBar(maxval=100)
for i in range(100):
del bar

Change history:

Version 46691.0 (2/15/2007)
- Fixed a bug that caused warnings with newer version of ctypes (including the version included in Python 2.5)
- The edit box in AskString now scrolls horizontally if the entered text does not otherwise fit
- AskFileForOpen(multiple=True) will allow multiple files to be selected and a list of strings will be returned. If multiple is False (the default if not specified) then only a single file can be selected and a string is returned. This no longer seems to work on the Mac, but it's useful enough to add it to the Windows version anyway. This change is based on a patch contributed by Waldemar Osuch.
- Made minor changes to bring inline with SVN revision 46691 for Mac

Version 1.16.0 (11/5/2004)
- Removed resource DLL, resources are now in a Python source file which simplifies distribution of apps with py2exe
- Spelling corrections
- File open/save dialogs did not display on Windows 98
- AskString edit boxes were too short on Windows 98
- Improved display of drop down lists on Windows 98 and NT
- Made minor changes to bring inline with CVS version 1.16 for Mac

Version 1.14.0 (5/11/2004)
- Initial public release